What food is bad teeth?

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Nothing bad set of teeth even more. Great hair, makeup, Manolo shoes (or Gucci hobo and a Gentleman) will be zero on the wonderful, if your teeth to give up these cups of coffee, or those of one or more puffs of cigarette. Your smile is your signature, the world's most valuable assets - - it can win you friends, job promotion and, likely, 1 day diet slimming capsule or even life partner.

Many people do not know zhen de shou capsule how it affects us all, we eat the teeth, until it was too late, all previous unhealthy eating habits catch up with us in the dyeing, unhealthy teeth, usually, bleeding gums, meizitang botanical softgel deep cavity form - not to improve the expensive dental treatment to follow.

There is no simple solution, dental dilemma?


Eat healthy!

The occasional ice cream, chocolate bars or allowed, as long as the teeth are given a thorough brushing, the mouth in the following.

The following is a list of food may seem harmless meizitang botanical sliming enough (and taste good!), But the teeth of suicide:

1. Caustic soda - a sworn enemy

200 ounces of pop bottle contains up to 17 teaspoons of sugar! Digestive bacteria live in the mouth of the sweet feed and excretion of acid damage to the enamel. In addition, soda water contains citric acid, phosphoric acid, and tartaric acid, all of which are known to link to enamel breakdown.

Dental (and other) problems, proved to be caused by soda water is endless, including chamber and the well-known even affect bone density - - the direct cause of osteoporosis. fat loss jimpness beauty Studies have shown that 2006 is just the beginning of soda water 3 minutes to destroy the fruit juice intake, dental materials than ten times!

Diet soda is not better - - although the content, it is still full of deadly fatty acids, which erode enamel, low sugar, leaving painful and brittle teeth.

Disaccharide 2 day diet japan lingzhi -. Devil in a sweet Guise

Functional foods in the oral bacteria in the decomposition of particles to start the digestive process. Produced jimpness beauty by sugar and acid digestion, teeth attack, destroy tooth zi xiu tang pollen enamel and cause tooth decay. In addition, the sugar will lead to gingivitis, gum disease is one with swelling, pain and bleeding gums features.

However, sugar (sucrose) is not the only enemy. Fructose is equally bad, should be limited, slimming factor but consumption. Many false assumptions brown sugar or honey is a safer bet teeth, but not farther from the truth. Maltose, glucose and lactose have the same enamel, damage to property, and all sugar is food (particularly processed) containing these sugars must be avoided at all costs.

3. Carbohydrate

Investigation super slim pomegranate of starch (complex carbohydrates) is to open your teeth will be the last thing. The sugar can be dissolved in the saliva and may wipe away the starch leaves slim forte sticky deposits between teeth and zhen de shou fat loss capsule it is difficult to remove them, prove that he is the ultimate breeding ground bee pollen zi xiu tang for microorganisms.

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Par renzhihui12 le jeudi 23 juin 2011


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